FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Please read! Many of the most common questions we receive are answered here. If you don't see an answer to your question, please reach out to breakingthrough@believeltd.com

1. Do I have to be able to sing like Ariana Grande or Ed Sheeran to apply? Is experience necessary?

In short, no! Believe Limited and BioMarin are committed to creating a positive and impactful learning environment for young community members who wish to better understand how the arts and artistic expression can improve their health outcomes. If an applicant has some ability to carry a tune, that’s certainly a bonus, but it will not be the deciding factor in an applicant’s participation.

2. What are the dates and location of the workshops?

For 2020, we will be hosting two regional workshops, one in Los Angeles from April 10th-12th and one in Chicago, June 5th-7th.

3. Does it cost anything?

No. BioMarin and Believe Limited are committed to keeping this program free to community members selected to participate, now and always. Travel, accommodations and food are included for each participant.

4. Do I have to have hemophilia to apply?

No! While most of the slots are reserved for male and female high school students with hemophilia, there are also spots reserved for high school students who are carriers of hemophilia, who have von Willebrand disease, who have another rare factor deficiency, or who have a sibling living with a bleeding disorder. 

5. Do I have to be able to read sheet music?

No. We will have a musical director and mentors who are helping us prepare the songs in a way that will allow everyone to participate, regardless of an applicant’s ability to read sheet music. 

6. Do I have to be able to dance? 

No. The final performance will consist of some basic movement entering and exiting the stage, and some basic movement during each song. The experience is being built for young people of all mobility levels. 

7. Do I have to be from Los Angeles or Chicago?

No. Breaking Through! is open to community members from around the country, though for ease of travel, it’s best to apply to the event closest to home.

8. What if I can only come for some of the days?

Because of the nature of the program, participants will be required to attend the entire weekend.

9. Can I attend if I attended Breaking Through! in 2018?

In an effort to give the Breaking Through! experience to as many people as possible, we will not be allowing 2018 participants to attend the Breaking Through! regional workshops in 2020.

10. Can I invite family and friends to the final performance?

Yes! All participants will be able to invite friends and family to the show. We'll go over the invitation policies and numbers this fall with the families of teens selected to participate. 

11. Will there be photos and video available for family members who aren’t able to attend the final performance?

Yes! We are filming and photographing the entire weekend to create valuable educational content for community members around the country. This content will be released throughout the year on BioMarin and Believe Limited social media properties to ensure the entire community can benefit from this program year-round. Participants and chaperones will be required to sign a media release form in order to attend. 

12. This program is for community teens. Do I need a chaperone (a parent or legal guardian) in order to participate?

Please check back soon. We will have a policy in place in the coming months. For now, please apply! We will communicate and work with selected participants when our policy is finalized. 

13. When do submissions and nominations close?

Submissions and nominations close at 11:59pm PST on Friday, January 31st.


More questions? Please email breakingthrough@believeltd.com

Please check back occasionally: we will update the FAQ page as more questions come in!